The core of John's work is with couples, families and individuals who want to learn how to do things differently in relationship with people or things in their lives. He is a certified Imago Therapist in addition to being a trained CTI coach (Coaches Training Institute) and member of the College of Registered Psychotherapists. John endeavours to integrate the best of coaching and therapeutic approaches.
People enter therapy or coaching sessions to make changes in their lives. They realize they have patterns or beliefs that work against them and their happiness. They often know how they want to act or what to do, but have a difficult time making it happen on a consistent basis. John helps clients 'unlearn' the old patterns and create new ways of being.
John is MBTI accredited (Myers-Briggs Type Inventory); has been a full time therapist/coach since 1996 and also works in corporations as a coach and action learning facilitator. Prior to consulting, John was a College professor, outdoor education specialist and head basketball coach. Clients have described him as accepting, down to earth, direct and action oriented; he challenges people by gently pushing, but not shoving them. To find out more about how John works, please visit his website (johngotziaman.com) or contact him at jgotziaman@gmail.com or at (416) 460-2190.
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