“knowing the map is not the same as walking the territory” – anonymous
There is a story that lies in each of us. A story that wants to be told and waits to be heard. An important and truly original story that forms us through its unique experiences.
Our life story.
Experiences of struggle and intense stress while finding my way as a newcomer; living and
working in different countries with different social systems;
experiences of love and conflict, closeness and separation while being in a long distance relationship that turned into a marriage;
experiences of risk, trauma and survival in its most basic sense, while witnessing extreme
human behaviour during military service, are some of defining experiences of my own life story.
It is my deep belief that sharing our story in the genuine presence of another human being,
recognizing its significance and accepting its importance, binds our fragmented experiences
into a strong and coherent unity.
A unity that enables us to tap into our authentic strengths and resources, a unity that restores
our sense of belonging and finally a unity that allows us to relax into the complexities of our human existence.
Graduated with the Master’s degree equivalent in Clinical Psychology, with an emphasis on early childhood development, early relational and collective trauma, neuroscience and mindfulness research, at the Center For Intentional Living, in New York USA (www.intentionalliving.com).
Graduated from four year training in psychodynamic counselling, body centered psychotherapy, craniosacral therapy and energy work at the Snowlion Center, in Zurich, Switzerland (www.snowlionschool.ch).
Certified as an Advanced Clinical Therapist in Imago Relationship Therapy at the Canadian Institute for Imago Relationship Therapy; Toronto.
Completed Teacher Training program at the Lionheart Institute of Transpersonal Energy Healing, USA (www.lionheartinstitute.com).
Graduated with the Masters of Science at Communichology Department at the Faculty of Graphic Arts; University of Zagreb, Croatia. |
Working in a private practice where I offer individual, couples, and family counselling, as well as group-work. I work with clients that suffer broad range of issues, using a number of different approaches all holistic, engaging and supportive of your individual needs.
Providing psychotherapy services for clients who suffer chronic pain, stress and trauma in several clinics across the GTA.
Faculty member at the Lionheart Institute of Transpersonal Energy Healing; teaching a series of workshops on Developmental Life Stages and an elective on Relationships and Sexuality together with my wife and a fellow Imago Relationship Therapist Sandra Pribanic
Provided psychotherapy services at the Wellspring Center (Sunnybrook Hospital) for patients with life-threatening illnesses and their care-givers. |
Clinical Member of the Ontario Society of Psychotherapists
Member of the Imago Relationships International |
Besides English I am also fluent in languages from the regions of former Yugoslavia.
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